Non-Resident Pharmacy Applications
A Non-Resident Pharmacy is a pharmacy located in a state other than Wyoming that ships prescription drugs to patients in Wyoming.
Any entity that ships prescription drugs into Wyoming must be licensed by the Wyoming State Board of Pharmacy.
2024-2025 Non-Resident Pharmacy Renewals are now CLOSED
An active license is required to practice in Wyoming. Those who missed the June 30, 2024, renewal deadline must complete and mail the paper renewal form along with the $300 renewal fee, the $300 late fee, and the $40 Wyoming Controlled Substances Registration Fee (if applicable) totaling $600/$640 to the Board office.
New applications must be mailed.
Faxed or emailed applications are not accepted.
Other Forms
Application to Add a Business Controlled Substance Registration to an Existing Wyoming Non-Resident Pharmacy License
A Wyoming Controlled Substance Registration is required for all pharmacies that dispense controlled substances in Wyoming.Pharmacist in Charge (PIC) Change Form
Note, that the Board office must be notified of any change in ownership or PIC within thirty (30) days.
Additional Information
Change of Name or Address of a Non-Resident Pharmacy requires that you submit the change in writing to the Board of Pharmacy, accompanied by copies of the following documents:
Copy of resident state license reflecting the change
Copy of DEA certificate reflecting the change
Copy of inspection report (for change of location)
While pharmacists are not required to search the PDMP, the Board strongly encourages pharmacists to utilize the PDMP when determining whether they should dispense a prescription for a controlled substance. Pharmacists may appoint delegates to perform searches in the PDMP on their behalf. The PMP AWARxE User Guide contains useful information on setting up user accounts, delegates accounts, managing delegates, reviewing prescriptions for which you were listed as the prescriber, and more.
Dispensers are required to report dispensing information into the PDMP database. This information must be entered no later than the close of business on the business day immediately following the day the controlled substance was dispensed. For more information please review the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act Rules Chapter 8: Prescription Drug Monitoring Program and the Data Submission Dispenser Guide. Zero reports must be submitted to the PMP Clearinghouse when a dispenser does not have any dispensations to report.