Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Wyoming Online Prescription Database (WORx PDMP)

The WORx PDMP does not guarantee any report to be wholly accurate or complete. The data reported into the database is the data included in the reports and is not a record of fact. The report is based on the search criteria entered and the data submitted by dispensers. For questions about any record in a PDMP report or to verify a prescription, contact the dispenser or practitioner directly. If there are any concerns about the data provided, contact the WORx Wyoming Prescription Drug Monitoring Program by calling 307-634-9636 or sending an email to

What are Password and Username Best Practices?

      • Use your private email address as your username for the WORx PDMP. This allows you to get a new password sent to your email should you forget your password

      • Do not e-mail patient confidential information or redistribute the WORx PDMP reports

How do I Choose a Strong Password?

      • Use capital letters, small case letters, symbols, and numbers

      • Don’t use anything that is personal

      • Use syllables or acronyms. Avoid words that are in the dictionary. Use the first letters of a phrase that is easy for you to remember, like “Jack and Jill went up the hill” Jajwuth#2018

How do I Keep my Password Safe?

      • Keep it to yourself. Do not share passwords with others. You never know what the future might bring in relationships or coworkers, so don’t share passwords

      • Keep the password safe, there are programs available to securely store passwords

What can I do if I forget my Password?

      • At the bottom of the sign-in page (you may need to scroll down) please click “forgot password.”

Why Should I use my Private Email Address?

      • The use of a private email address keeps confidential information more private. If you forget your password, you can reset it using your private email address.

What Information Does a PDMP Report Provide?

      • The patient's names, date of birth, and address

      • The summary table of prescriptions, prescribers, and pharmacies

      • The prescription details, such as date filled, drug name and strength, quantity, days’ supply, and prescription number

      • The prescriber’s name, address

      • The dispenser's name, address, and phone number

Where is the Patient WORx PDMP Data Obtained?

      • Controlled substance prescription records are reported from Wyoming licensed outpatient pharmacies and practitioners’ offices, most Indian Health Service (IHS) facilities, and Veterans Administration dispensers

What is the WORx PDMP Data Collection Interval?

      • Pharmacies have 24 hours from the end of the next business day to report data into the program. Some federal IHS facilities report weekly and are not required under state jurisdiction to report daily

How Can Providers Use PDMP Reports?

      • Reports can be used to supplement a patient evaluation or investigation

Can reports be printed for Office or Record-Keeping Purposes?

      • Yes, however copying or providing this data to an outside entity is strictly prohibited. A printed copy will provide the information as it appeared at the point in time it was printed and will not include daily updates. Reported data can be updated, corrected, and changed daily. The Board encourages collaboration between healthcare professionals regarding report details; however, each provider should obtain their own copy of the PDMP data

Can Practitioners Document PDMP Information in their Notes?

      • Documentation that the PDMP record was reviewed is encouraged

How Can a Provider Interpret the PDMP Reports?

Interpretation can be made in the context of a complete patient assessment. Practitioners may wish to include:

      • A history of risk factors for prescription opioid abuse

      • A physical examination for drug abuse

      • A justification for chronic opioid therapy (benefits are outweighing risks, the patient is compliant)

      • Urine drug screening, preferably a quantitative test that can distinguish prescribed from non-prescribed opioids

      • Documenting pill counts (actual reconciliation, versus expected) and early refills

      • A consultation from specialists when indicated or required by the pain management rules

      • A review of outside medical records or information from other treating practitioners

What Things may be Important to Consider in Response to Concerns Raised by a Report?

Dispensers and Practitioners may wish to consider discussing the report with their patients. Attempt to determine the reasons for the concerning report. Reasons may include:

      • Changing providers because of insurance coverage

      • Initial under-treatment of pain

      • Misunderstanding the practitioner’s pain management rules

      • Incorrect data reporting

      • Issues with prescription drug overuse

      • Other concerning behavior

      • Healthcare professionals may wish to express concern over behavior patterns; discuss the risks of misuse and its negative consequences. Clarify expectations (using one pharmacy, receiving controlled medications from only one provider, etc.) and the use of increased patient monitoring and limit-setting

      • The use of a Patient Treatment Agreement may also help support patient-provider communication